The carrier is not liable, except in general average, where loss, damage or delay in delivery resulted from measures to save life or from reasonable measures to save property at sea. 除分摊共同海损外,承运人对因在海上采取救助人命的措施或救助财产的合理措施而造成的灭失、损坏或延迟交付不负赔偿责任。
Such expenses, where properly incurred, may be covered as particular charges or as a general average loss, according to the circumstances under which they were incurred. 但这种费用如果产生得正当合理,被保险人可以根据导致费用产生的各种具体情况,将其作为特别费用或共同海损损失要求得到补偿。
The onus of proof is upon the party claiming in general average to show that the loss or expense claimed is properly allowable as general average. 提出共同海损索赔的一方应负举证责任,证明所索赔的损失或费用应作为共同海损。
General Average covers the situation where damage or loss of certain goods occurs so that the remaining cargo and the means of transport are saved. 共同海损包含为保护其余货物和运输工具而造成的货物损失或遗失。
Particular average and general average loss 单独海损及共同海损
At the same time, this paper presents the general expressions of the first two order moments for the approximation of the average prospective loss random variable and the corresponding expressions under a certain interest rate model. 对于平均未来损失额的近似值,给出了其前二阶矩的一般表达式,以及一个具体的利率模型下的表达式。
Bear pirate ransom of claims for insurers, in the form of a general average, and avoid total loss of ship and cargo claims, relatively speaking, for insurance company, is the better choice. 而对于保险人来说,以共同海损的形式承担海盗赎金的理赔,可以避免船舶和货物的全损理赔,相对而言是更优选择。
However, due to the misunderstanding and confusion of Particular Average 、 General Average and Partial Loss, the understanding and application of F.P.A. is in controversy. 然而,由于对单独海损、共同海损和部分损失的误解和混淆,导致理论和实践中对单独海损不赔的理解和适用产生了争议。